Our Approach

Our programs reflect the latest research and best practices and are designed in partnership with the community we serve. Programs range from early care and education to parenting programs to professional development for teachers and childcare providers to our Building Blocks of Parenting™ (BBP) App. We are recognized for our expertise in early care and education and family engagement.

Evaluation is an integral part of the GFS culture. Over the years we have established relationships with research firms to evaluate our work, and have developed a robust set of tools to help us measure results and identify areas for improvement.
We serve families at several locations in East San José, California and connect them with additional resources through our strong and enduring community partnerships.
Staff leading children in exercise

Family engagement and uplifting the voices of parents are at the center of all our work. 

Parents with their children


Innovative programs that give children a strong start and provide parents with knowledge and tools to support their children’s healthy development and learning.
Woman reading aloud to child


Professional development for teachers and childcare providers to promote family engagement, early literacy, and early math and to create equitable partnerships that support child success.

Adults sitting around tables working on projects


Collaborative initiatives that strengthen the community by promoting equity, uplifting parent voices, and advocating for change that responds to community needs.